Wednesday, 13 May 2015


Pada bulan April 2015, telah berlangsugnya pertandinagn Kitar Semula Anjuran MDKL. Sebanyak 3 kategori pertandingan yang telah pihak sekolah masukki iaitu Pertandingan Mengumpul Barangan Terbuang, Reka Cipta Barangan Terbuang dan Sudut Kitar Semula.

Seluruh warga sekolah, telah bertungkus lumus untuk memastikan kemenangan yang dikecapi. Namun yang paling utama adalah kesedaran untuk mengumpul barangn terbuang dan memupuk semangt kitar semula.


It is very important for us humans to drink water. When taking about water, there are a lot of types of drinks. The best one is plain water as it contains no sugar which might give us diabetes. Some drinks are very sugary such as fruit juices, fizzy drinks and coffee and tea. However, some drinks are good such as milk and shake such as protein shake.

There are a lot of benefits when we drink healthily. The main benefit is it allows us to have enery to move. When we have energy to move, we can be strong as the 'power' that we gain from the consumption of the drinks.

Here  are the benefits as written by some of the students.

Perasmian Bilik Fisioterapi

Sebagai langkah untuk memartabatkan sekolah yang mempunyai fasiliti yang baik, pihak sekolah telah membuat sebuah bilik khas yang dipanggil Bilik Fisioterapi.

1. Bagi penggunaan sebarang aktiviti fisioterapi termasuklah hal berkaitan kesukanan, kesihatan atau pemulihan

2. Bagi penggunaan aktiviti murid PPKI yang memerlukan aktiviti fisioterapi bagi membantu koordinasi badan mereka

Bilik ini telah dirasmikan oleh Guru Besar SK Jugra dan di bawah pengawasan Pn. Sri Halimaton. Di harap dengan adanya bilik ini, ia dapat membangunkan lagi penjagaan kesihatan warga SK Jugra.

Monday, 11 May 2015


Sebagai langkah keselamatan, pihak sekolah telah membuat sudut kesedaran kebakaran yang mana, kami telah menempatkan bahan untuk memadamkan kebakaran iaitu pasir.di sudutsudut sekolah.

Saturday, 9 May 2015


Pada 11 April 2014, iaitu hari Sabtu pada jam 8 pagi telah berlangsungnya Program Sentuhan Kreatif 3K yang dijalankan oleh beberapa pihak lain. Antaranya PIBG, pelajar UITM Shah Alam dan penglibatan daripada Majlis Daerah Kuala Langat.

1. Membersihkan dan menceriakan kawasan sekolah.
2. Mengukuhkan ikatan kerjasama antara guru, ahli PIBG dan pelajar yang terlibat dalam menceriakan kawasan sekolah.
3. Meningkatkan daya kreativiti murid-murid untuk menceriakan kawasan sekolah 

Thursday, 7 May 2015


1. Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.
"Through the posterior pituitary gland, your brain communicates with your kidneys and tells it how much water to excrete as urine or hold onto for reserves," says Guest, who is also an adjunct professor of medicine at Stanford University.
When you're low on fluids, the brain triggers the body's thirst mechanism. And unless you are taking medications that make you thirsty, Guest says, you should listen to those cues and get yourself a drink of water, juice, milk, coffee -- anything but alcohol.
2. Water Can Help Control Calories. For years, dieters have been drinking lots of water as a weight loss strategy. While water doesn't have any magical effect on weight loss, substituting it for higher calorie beverages can certainly help.
"What works with weight loss is if you choose water or a non-caloric beverage over a caloric beverage and/or eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier, more filling, and help you trim calorie intake," says Penn State researcher Barbara Rolls, PhD, author of The VolumetricsWeight Control Plan.
Food with high water content tends to look larger, its higher volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps you feel full. Water-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, oatmeal, and beans.
3. Water Helps Energize Muscles. Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids andelectrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. "When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer," says Guest.
Drinking enough fluids is important when exercising. Follow the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for fluid intake before and during physical activity. These guidelines recommend that people drink about 17 ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise. During exercise, they recommend that people start drinking fluids early, and drink them at regular intervals to replace fluids lost by sweating.